Thursday, May 29, 2014

Working on funds!

I sold my treadmill and the king size bed we had in our guest room, and I have a few more items out for sale.  Putting all the money I collect in an envelope in our safe and slowly watching it grow.  Been a bit bummed that nobody in our community or even our Church, seems very interested in our adoption or even trying to help raise funds for it, guess I really don't fit in, in our small community.  I was not born here, did not go to school here and am considered a move in, it is hard to fit in to any group here, they are not very welcoming, which is not very Christian like in my opinion.  But God knows who cares and He sees who has a good heart and who is just trying to show themselves off and pretend to be something they are not.  God loves this baby girl and so do we and we are following His commands and taking care of the orphans.  So you can imagine my surprise when a complete stranger, a person from our adoption FB page, messaged me and offered to donate all of her commission to our family fund with Reece's Rainbow if we hosted an online party with the home cleaning products she sells.  I was so excited that someone, was interested in helping us, it takes a very special person and we thank her very much!!!  I hope its not a flop, maybe people will buy if they get something out of the deal.  In the meantime, still waiting for our travel date, which I hope to get next week, but am not holding my breath.  Our appointment should be mid June, but they don't give you much notice, so we probably won't hear until the second week of June and then we will only have one week to prepare.  So I am trying to be as prepared as I can, knowing it is up and coming.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

God is totally at work........

I have been depressed and pretty bummed about Maureen and then second guessing if this was our intended route, I keep praying to God to show me a sign, let me know we are following His will and doing as he wants.  Yesterday we were looking at baby bedding on the internet and found a beautiful set, but it was $250 and I need every penny for this adoption, so I put it aside and told Shawn we can buy that later after she is home, we don't need it right away.  Then I started looking on Craigslist for used cribs and such and came across the very same baby bedding, it was listed as brand new never being used, best part $45, but again we were not sure if God really had a little girl for us, so again I decided to wait.  Me being pretty impatient in some areas, did not want to wait because it was such a good deal and I did not want to come home and end up buying the same set new for $250 plus tax and shipping.  First thing this morning I get a message from someone on our facilitation team with pictures of a baby girl, ready and waiting for us.  I started crying immediately when I saw her picture, showed my hubby and we were all excited.  He said go get that baby bedding and I did!!!  All I am buying for now, we will come home from Eastern Europe to no crib, but we will have our precious love!  I saw a small bedside baby bed thing for $50 at Target and thought if all else fails I can go buy it and use it until we can get the bedroom furniture for her room.  Happy days are back, better yet we travel in about 3 weeks!!!!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Change in plans....

We found out that Maureen is not going to be available when we arrive in Country, due to her paperwork not being complete in time.  We have a couple of other baby girls in mind, so hopefully they will be ready to go when we arrive.  With that being said, and it being hard to reach our intended goal for two babies, we will just be going for one, so I adjusted our dollar figure to reflect one child.

Shawn is worried about being away from work so long, so the plan right now is for him to travel with us initially and then come home and wait for our Court date, then travel back and come right back home. The girls and I will remain in Ukraine the whole time.  We will be using credit cards to cover airfare and the money needed is cash we have to hand carry to cover expenses while in Country.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Here I am again stressing over the new law going into effect July 14, 2014.  Our dossier is in-country, waiting to be submitted on Thursday May 8, because May 1 was a holiday.  We will be cutting it very close on this adoption and the new law.  According to the new law, our adoption has to be completed by July 13, 2014 in order that it won't cost us more money and time.  We should be in country the first or second week of June, but then Court can be scheduled two or more weeks out and then after Court there is a ten day wait period before its final.  If I understand the new law correct, if we can have our ten day wait expire prior to July 14th we will be OK, but if not, it will delay everything, and cost us more money, that we don't have.  Please pray that our court date will be scheduled quickly allowing enough time for the ten day wait to expire prior to July 14th.  Lord we know that you are overseeing this adoption and you want those baby girls to come home as quick as possible and not be subjected to a life in an adult mental institution, so we ask that you have mercy on us and on our baby girls, allowing this process to move quickly, placing it on the hearts of all involved to schedule are DAP appt. quick, and schedule our Court date quickly as well,  Lord all things are possible through you and your mighty hands, we trust you and we hand this situation over to you and know you will handle it.  Jesus name we pray, amen.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Donation received!

When I was in Muenster yesterday, I saw a friend who was on the ACTS team with me, and she said come here and opened up her wallet and gave me a cash donation towards our adoption fund.  Thank you so much sweet friend, it was much appreciated!!!!  God will bless you.