Friday, April 10, 2015

Making changes in my blog..

Now that our adoption of Arianna is complete, my blog will focus on our family growing together as one and learning to lean on God.

My husband and I are of the Catholic faith and are raising our children the same.  We are committed to our marriage and our love for one another, even through tough times.  Recently, our marriage was tested yet again, this time his family did not start the drama another outsider did, but as soon as his family learned there was conflict, they jumped on board to see what they could do to end our marriage.

I am saddened by a comment that my husbands brother made to him during this conflict.  "I don't support divorces since I am Catholic, but in this case divorce is the best option" hmmm, really? Sounds like you are talking out of both sides of your mouth.  How can a person consider themselves a faithful Catholic and support divorce?  Even our priest commented that those words did not come from a truly faithful Catholic, because as Catholics we are commanded to save and protect the sanctity of marriage, no matter what.  I believe the best words of advice coming from another Catholic should be "I am sorry you are going through such hard times with your wife, perhaps you should seek counsel from your priest before you consider the option of divorce,  When you married you made a covenant before God, one that should not be taken lightly."

Nobody is perfect, life is not perfect and we are tested on a daily basis.  When people try to break into my marriage and cause conflicts I find it very hard not to retaliate, but this time I am not.  I have been praying everyday for God to give me the strength and wisdom to overcome the words that have been said against me and to forgive the people who say them.

Life is moving forward for our family, we are growing closer together and spending more time in bible study and prayer together.

Now on to the updates:  Arianna saw her cardiologist this week and things don't look good for her. God knew exactly what he was doing by moving our adoption timeline up many weeks.  Arianna will be having heart surgery soon, they are preparing her for it and running many tests to be ready to repair and fix her broken heart.  She was diagnosed with Complete Atrioventricular Septal Defect. This means she has a small hole in her Atrial chamber, a very large hole in her Ventricular chamber and instead of two valves she only has one.  She will need to have a second valve created and the holes closed so she can be healthy and no longer face the possibility of death.  Without the surgery her lungs get way too much blood flow, which results in her not breathing and turning blue, which can at some point result in death.  She also saw the Gastro doctor, who is running some tests and checking her anatomy to make sure everything is working great.  She will have a tough road over the next 2-3 months, but once she is recovered she will be healthy and should thrive and grow!!

Pray for our angel girl as she endures her many tests, procedures and surgeries.  I will keep updating as we move along this path.

God bless!!


  1. Prayers for you and your family! I hope Ariannas surgery goes well and she has a smooth and speedy recovery.

  2. Thank you Diana, I appreciate your prayers.
