Our family is enjoying all the bonding, playing and fun we are having with Arianna. She is changing every day. When we first brought her home, she could sit alone but had to have a pillow behind her because her back muscles are so weak she could not stop herself from falling backwards. As of today, she sits alone without a pillow and has not fallen backwards in a couple of weeks now. This means her muscles are getting stronger just by being allowed to sit on the floor and use them to gain strength. We also give her lots of tummy time, even though she is over the age of two, since she was never allowed to stimulate her body through exercise, she could not crawl or move anywhere. Now she spends lots of time on her tummy, she can scoot herself backwards and turn her body around in circles in an attempt to get the toy she wants. All I can say is progress!!! She may not be crawling yet or doing the things she should be doing at her age, but she is making amazing progress.
The results of her blood tests and poop specimans are in. She is positive for parasites, which we pretty much knew would be there and her thyroid is not working properly. So now we have an appointment to see the Endocrinologist to get that straightened out. We are working on a short time schedule here, because all these things have to be addressed and under control either through medicine or some other way, before May 20th when she has her heart cath surgery to measure the pressures within her heart and lungs.
Arielle and Arianna are so much fun to watch. Little Arianna will be playing with a toy and here comes her sister Arielle to take it away. She has decided to fight back, so now they play a game of tug of war with Arianna looking Arielle right in the eyes and squealing at her to let go. Arielle just stares at her and moves on. Arielle is very mobile with crawling and pulling up to stand and starting to take steps of walking, while Arianna sits back and watches. But Arianna is very verbal and picks up on signs very quickly. She can sign, eat and more and she loves to read books.
So next week both babies have an appointment to have their eyes checked. Another item on our list of checking those things that could possibly cause issues in a Down syndrome child.
Thank you for visiting and sharing our story!!
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